Charming New Etsy Stuff! (pun intended)

After a long wait for my supplies to arrive (still waiting on a few…or five) I have added two, soon to be THREE new items to Etsy! Number 1 is a Hunger Games charm necklace. And, if I may be so bold as to declare, it is awesome. Here it is.

AND I have another! I need to take  better picture of it in the daylight, but here it is anyways! It’s an 11th Doctor charm bracelet. *insert fanfare here*

Et voila! I will soon add another 10th Doctor charm bracelet as well. I also have a couple of other ideas swimming about in my head, so stay posted!

A Bit More Sonic

Cap. Jack: ‘Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, “Ooh, this could be a little more sonic!”‘

Doctor: “What, you’ve never been bored? Never had a long night? Never had a lot of cabinets to put up?”

That is exactly what I had to think of something like this to make. Well, not exactly the cabinets. More like a lot of beads to get rid of that had no use. And guess what? It’s for sale on Etsy! Huzzah!

Click on this to send you to the Etsy listing.

Nerdy Projects of January

January is usually the time when I get most of my craftiness out for the year. There’s something about the sitting by the fire on a cold day with nothing better to do than knit, bead, or sew. My imagination kind of runs crazy, so I start more things than I can ever hope to finish. Here’s a list of the things I’m working on right now.

As I was flipping through Harry Potter from Page to Screen, I happened upon Luna’s page and saw a piece of jewelry I had never seen in the movies. It’s a dragonfly hair tie. I had to make it. It’s nearly done, I just need some long black bugle beads for the tail.

I actually finished this one. It’s Watson’s scarf from Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

My brother epically swings the scarf over his shoulder

After seeing the season 4 finale of Doctor Who, I started collecting charms for a 10th Doctor’s companion bracelet. I also want to do a Harry Potter one eventually.

From left to right: A handy spare hand, Union Jack, a fob watch, London Bus, a Weeping Angel's wing, Big Ben, a cuppa tea, the Runaway Bride, a beetle on your back, the wasp from Unicorn and the Wasp, two hearts, bananas, werewolf/Bad Wolf

This one I thought of completely randomly. How about a bookmark that has the TARDIS appearing as you read down the page? This is the 10th Doctor’s TARDIS and sonic screwdriver, but I’m also planning to do the 11th’s as well.Think I'm going to move the border a little further away from the TARDIS

Now here’s a list of the things I haven’t started yet but hope to soon.

1) A fez. Yes, a fez.

2) Bowties, both blue and red.

3)…. Well, I had a third, but I can’t think of it. I’ll get back to you.

UPDATE: I remembered the third thing! I sonic screwdriver bracelet! I finished it and will post a picture tomorrow. Or Monday….

Dirigible Plums Pt. 2 (now with Beetle Ring)

Well, I’ve begun again. This time with smaller beads and wire instead of fishing string. I’m am most happy with the result. So happy, in fact, that I’m thinking about selling them. Perhaps. Still not too sure about that. Maybe I’ll just give some away…. Ahem, anyways. Here they are.

And not to be forgotten, the Beetle Ring! I used smaller beads than the ones they used, and you can’t really tell that the beads on the beetle back (try saying that five times fast) are iridescent. 😦 Oh well, I’m still quite happy with it.