Nerdy Projects of January

January is usually the time when I get most of my craftiness out for the year. There’s something about the sitting by the fire on a cold day with nothing better to do than knit, bead, or sew. My imagination kind of runs crazy, so I start more things than I can ever hope to finish. Here’s a list of the things I’m working on right now.

As I was flipping through Harry Potter from Page to Screen, I happened upon Luna’s page and saw a piece of jewelry I had never seen in the movies. It’s a dragonfly hair tie. I had to make it. It’s nearly done, I just need some long black bugle beads for the tail.

I actually finished this one. It’s Watson’s scarf from Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

My brother epically swings the scarf over his shoulder

After seeing the season 4 finale of Doctor Who, I started collecting charms for a 10th Doctor’s companion bracelet. I also want to do a Harry Potter one eventually.

From left to right: A handy spare hand, Union Jack, a fob watch, London Bus, a Weeping Angel's wing, Big Ben, a cuppa tea, the Runaway Bride, a beetle on your back, the wasp from Unicorn and the Wasp, two hearts, bananas, werewolf/Bad Wolf

This one I thought of completely randomly. How about a bookmark that has the TARDIS appearing as you read down the page? This is the 10th Doctor’s TARDIS and sonic screwdriver, but I’m also planning to do the 11th’s as well.Think I'm going to move the border a little further away from the TARDIS

Now here’s a list of the things I haven’t started yet but hope to soon.

1) A fez. Yes, a fez.

2) Bowties, both blue and red.

3)…. Well, I had a third, but I can’t think of it. I’ll get back to you.

UPDATE: I remembered the third thing! I sonic screwdriver bracelet! I finished it and will post a picture tomorrow. Or Monday….

23 Doctor Who Shirts of General Awesome

So today I spent probably more time than I should have compiling a list of my favorite Doctor Who tees. I am aware that 23 is a very random number(unless in the sequence 4 8 15 16 23 42 for all of you LOST fans out there), but these are my favorites, not just any cool shirt on the web. And without further ado, here they are! (photos are the links)

1) Union Jack made of TARDISes. Or TARDIS. Or whatever.

2) Doctor Who meets E.T.

3) Two hearts x-ray

4) Need I say anything?

5) I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You have two shadows. *I actually happen to own this one.

6) “‘The angels have the phone box.’ That’s my favorite. I have that on a t-shirt!” -Larry Nightengale *I have this one too.

7) Adipose. The cutest antagonist in existence.

8) So much of us wish he were real. What am I saying? He is!

9) Delete! Delete! Delete!

10) “Four score and seven minutes ago, Bill and Ted embarked on an excellent adventure.” -Abraham Lincoln

11) Welcome New New York!

12) Well, strictly speaking, it’s the fifteenth New York since the original.

13) Awesome moon landing plus even more awesome. *And this one too

14) What NASA is keeping form us.

15) Boos can’t move when you’re looking, right? Don’t the also cover they’re eyes? Mind bomb!

Now we get to my favorite favorites

16) Scooby Who, where are you?

17) Doctor Hoo

18) Shaker + Plunger + Whisk = EXTERMINATE!

19) Nerds need to learn to COEXIST

20) There are no words…

21) Cyber3PO and R2Dalek

22) It came out of nowhere…

23) Not strictly a tee, but I want it soooooo bad. But I do not happen to have an extra $330

And there we have it. Which one is your favorite?

Handmade Luna Lovegood Costume!

Who is going to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2? Me! Who is going as Luna Lovegood? ME!!!! Yup yup, and I’m not buying a single machine made prop, which means I’m going to have to make them all! Which is really exciting, but kind of daunting.

So first and foremost, I’m going to need a scarf. This shouldn’t be too difficult because I already made a Gryffindor scarf. I even made my own pattern. So here‘s the link to that one. Even though it’s on this blog… Huh. I’m definitely going to alter it though, like making it flat and making the silver stripes shorter than the middle blue stripe. But anyways.

Secondly, I’m going to need some robes. Thank goodness for that sewing machine I got for Christmas! I found a pretty simple pattern that I think I can do once I figure out how to use my sewing machine… And if all else fails, I’ll hand sew it! You have to be a member to see the pattern, but it’s free, so if you really want to see it, don’t be afraid to sign up. I haven’t gotten any nasty viruses and my inbox is advertisement free. So here it is.

The patch on the robes is going to be a little tougher. As much as I like cross stitch, embroidery is much different, and I’ve never done it before. So if I don’t figure that out, time to pull up ebay! Here‘s my model if ever I get there. The TM after Ravenclaw just ruins it! That will definitely go if ever I embroider one.

Next in my Luna costume is the indispensable radish earrings! I found a couple of tutorials for that one, and I think I like this one the best. Well, that’s just the first part. Here‘s the second part. There’s also this one, but I like the other one the best…. Did I say that already? Just a note, I ended up making my own tutorial for the earrings that I’m in the process of writing. Hang in there, and I’ll have it eventually!

While I’m on the subject of jewelry, I can’t forget the butterbeer cork necklace! It looks super easy, so I don’t think I’ll need a tutorial for it. Just two strands of fishing wire, a plethora of light blue beads, a cork, some wire, et voila! The perfect necklace to keep the nargles away.

Next in line is the Spectrespecs! I could, of course buy them on Amazon or something, but what’s the fun in that? Not to mention they’re plastic. Luna gets them out of a magazine, so do you think they will be hard plastic? Nein, they’re cardboard or card stock. Which is exactly why I’m making my own using this awesome tutorial!

So then we have the Ravenclaw tie! They’re pretty expensive, so I thought I would just get one that looked kind of like one, but then I found a pretty awesome idea that’s much cheaper. Buy a dark blue tie, get silver fabric markers and draw the stripes on there! Brilliant! I think that’s one of the easiest parts of the costume.

Now to the more difficult part. The Hogwarts skirt. I found a pretty good pattern for it that I think I can do. Here‘s this one.

And then I’m not so sure if I’ll get to this one, but I want to knit a Hogwarts sweater or sweater vest. I already have a pattern from the nifty Harry Potter knitting pattern book called Charmed Knits. But if any of my readers don’t have that book, here’s a pattern for first a sweater (it’s ladies size ten, but the Leaky Cauldron has more sizes) and then the sweater vest, (also size ten, but with more sizes). Or, because I want to be truer to Luna in particular, here‘s a pattern that could be altered a bit to make a pretty good Hogwarts cardigan. I think I may do this one instead.

Now, the wand. I don’t think I’ll be able to make her wand because I. Can’t. Carve. At all. Period. Luna actually has two wands, a rather plain one that has little carved acorns and leaves on the handle. Her other wand is a little more ornate, with a handle carved in the shape of a daffodil. I really like the second one.

LATER ADDITIONS: Because you never actually see Luna wearing a Ravenclaw scarf, you crocheters can do this one instead. And if you don’t crochet, you probably have a friend who does (like in my case).

Also, don’t forget the beetle ring! Now I have no idea how one is supposed to bead one of these, but it probably is possible. I’m definitely going to try it.

And, if you REALLY want to have EVERYTHING, here’s a knifty knitting (sorry, couldn’t help it) pattern for the hat that she wears at the Hog’s Head in the fifth one.

And then there’s also the lacy sleeved cardigan that she wears in the fifth one, for you crocheters out there.

Well, that’s about it, really. Wow, I’m going to be workin’ for a loooong time. I’d better get started! Here’s a couple of picture of Luna for inspiration.